Contractors & Builders

Up Your Game Now!
let's work together(707) 227-4931

We want to represent you!

We are here to bring your company to the next level of professionalism (and beyond), relative to your competitors.

Designing for most landscape companies has become a tough proposition, especially when you are in building mode or running your crew.  When you are dedicated to high-end, detailed work, we want to help you by taking off the pressure of designing your projects.

Designing for Prospective Clients

After working a hard day in the field running a landscape team (or multiple teams), it can be hard to come home and knock out a design for a prospective client that you may not even land the job for.

The client is going to want to see what you can do for them.  They want to be so excited and blown away to the point that they have no other choice but to go with you.

You want to bring this to them, but with the duties of running your crew, preparing payroll, ordering materials, plants, putting together bids for your next job… do you really have the energy and time to put together a design to really impress this next prospective client?  Plus, what do you do with this design once you have finished it?  Do you leave it with the client so they can take it to your competitor?  Absolutely not!  This is honestly the biggest fear of most contractors … so of course you may show it to them, but unless you have collected a good design fee from the client, this is quite frustrating.

Let Us Blow Your Clients Away with an Incredible Landscape Design

Allow yourself the freedom to meet with prospective clients, move them to your design team (that would be us), and let us blow them away with an incredible landscape design.

Check Out Our Sample Designs Below (Click to Enlarge)

With your logo and your company title block… essentially a 24”x36” “business card”…, it will not only land you multiple jobs, but will instill trust and allow you to put together easy bids based on the design that we will do for you.

You will also have these designs as examples to show future prospective clients.  It will be the difference in their mind between moving forward with you or to keep looking for other contactors to find the match that makes them feel comfortable with the transformation of their yard.

A lot of clients are looking for that contractor that can do it all for them – Design and Build …a one-stop-shop… and they want to be blown away by the design side of it.  You will need a portfolio of such designs to get your foot in the door for these clients.  That is what our partnership with you will build over time!  Each successive design and install you do will make your job that much easier with each and every new client you meet with.

Our Satisfied Customers

“We have worked with Hall Landscape Design for the past twelve years.  As contractors, we find their designs to be thorough and easy to interpret and implement.  Their work addresses all of our mutual client needs, and the designs give enough detail so clients easily understand how the installation will look once it is finished.”

– Alan Kostelnik
Founder and RME, Gardens of Wine Country

“I truly appreciate their attention to detail and the accuracy of their designs.  It is refreshing to work with a design company that picks appropriate plants for the micro-climate, hardscaping plans that fit the client’s needs, and designs that are close to the expected budget for the project.  After having worked with dozens of designers, I can definitely say Hall Design is top on my list of companies to work with.”

– Owen Lynn
Owner, Keystone Yards

Working with Hall Landscape Design for over 10 years now, I truly only trust them to do all the design work for my landscape projects.  I hear only positive experiences from all of my clients I’ve handed over to them.  I love the ease of doing bids from his designs and it moves like clockwork!  I hate to share my secret, but Ian will definitely make you look good, and literally at no cost to the contractor!

– Jose
Owner, Sorias Landscaping

Our Promise

We promise to give you the competitive edge that will get your clients excited for the upcoming installation.  Your confidentiality and exclusivity in our partnership is vital to our relationship and is honored 100% by Hall Landscape Design.  When we meet with your client, it is a privilege and honor that we keep exclusive to you.

Based on our 20 years of experience as a landscape design company, our consistent 5 star reviews on Yelp and Google, and endless good referrals and testimonies, we know we can take your company to the next level.  And if you are at that level already, we will free your precious time and give you much more ability to produce top notch easy bids based on our clear and concise designs that will be impeccably put together for you!

Let our passion of design make your passion of installation just that much easier!

Elite Outdoor Living

From Suburbia to Full Estate design to meet all of your outdoor living desires

Unrivaled Experience

Celebrating almost 20 years of transforming properties

Sustainable Design

Focusing on your specific regional and personal needs

The Process

We encourage you to take a look at our design process that is standard for when we meet new clients.

Once you have determined that your client needs a custom landscape design, simply let them know that they should meet with your design team (Hall Landscape Design).

To keep everything in-house within your company, you can set up the contact with your client and us.  Once we receive the information from you, we will then contact your client to set up a visit.  We encourage you to be at that first meeting too.  We will meet with the client, give them a price for the design and sign them to the contract.  We will let them know that we are an independent design company representing your company.  We will also state that on the contract.

As the contractor, you can be as involved in this process as you see fit.  Before any follow up meeting with a client, we will send you a digital copy of the design to review.  Or if you want to be in on the meetings with the clients in the preliminary phases of the design, we absolutely encourage you to be there.  We find this creates a smoother transition to the installation phase and allows the clients to have initial questions answered regarding budget, materials, timelines…. etc.  Essentially, it creates a familiarity with the client for you the contractor, and this translates more seamlessly into the construction phase.  But, of course, we can also take the baton all the way to finish line and keep you filled in on the process… changes to the design… and of course delivery of the final product to the client and to you, at which point you can take over and do your thing!

There are many ways this process can take shape, and we have the experience to roll with any direction you want to take.

We can’t wait to show you the ease of this process, and even more so, how it eases your way into more lucrative jobs with our special Designer’s Touch!


Pretty much for all new construction submission designs must include MWELO (Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance) Irrigation schematics and MAWA (Maximum Applied Water Allowance) calculations to be included with the landscape designs to be compliant with California Law.

These are especially important for commercial projects, as they must be submitted with Construction and Civil engineering plans (along with the Landscape Design plans).

We have put together and submitted dozens of these sets of plans with water calculations for builders, business owners, and homeowners so we can make our part of the process go seamless for you.

Check Out Our 3-D Walkthroughs

Giving you a virtual tour of one of our designs

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222 Soscol Avenue
Napa, CA 94559

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All contracts are to be official Hall Landscape Design contracts.  If you have any questions, please contact the office.